Wednesday, May 28, 2008

"Corks", oil on panel, 6 x 6

That's right, I'm tackling tackle again.
Yesterday, I watched the demo that Carol Marine put on her blog. She is fabulous and her paintings look effortless. What's more, after you see her actually paint one, you get a feel for how very skilled she is. Her acumen with local color is spot on. That part I can't imitate, but for her economy of brush strokes, I tried that. I have a lot of bad habits to break. Not the least of one is reaching for the turps all the time. I was an acrylic painter for years and with that you have to wash your brush out constantly. With oils, it is best to wipe the brush of its excess paint rather than contaminate the brush with thinner. Anyway, if you'd like to see a great painter at work go to her blog and scroll down to her demo video.

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