Hey everyone! Sorry I don't have a painting to post today (or for the last little while). I have been busy gearing up for this show. I've participated in this group show for years now and I wanted to take this opportunity to tell all of you about it. We are a group of artists chosen to show together because of our professionalism and because each of us works in a very different way. For instance, there will be another painter there with me but she does Chinese Brush Painting. There will be 2 jewelers with very different styles...etc. You get my drift. It is a great place to look for gifts and something for yourself.
For more info, click on Intown Artists Show and Sale.
I will be there the entire time so come talk to me and see a bunch of these daily paintings in person - some were posted to my blog and some were not.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Someone's Grandmother, oil on paper, 15 x 19
At least I suppose she's a grandmother. I love going to antique stores and finding old photos. I've used a lot in my non-painting work and now I am beginning to play with them in paintings. I want to keep the looseness and wacked out colors of the farm animal pieces in more and more of my work.
I have just finished this 48 x 48 commission (see below) and so now I am freed up to paint what strikes me. I still have a local show coming up...The Intown Artists' Show and Sale. It will be the first weekend in December and will have my unsold blog pieces in it as well as some other stuff I've created of late. The great thing for you is that the pieces will be inexpensive since they are small. I've already sold many as gifts. Original art for a song. I love that.
I will be showing with 9 other fine artists. We do this show every year (though I was absent last year). It is a great opportunity to see many artists from different mediums together for one long weekend. See my web site for more info...I'll add details soon.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
So, here I am again. The world keeps marching on as I seem mired in the court process convicting "the felon". Time waits for no one. It is the busiest time of the year for me, lots of shows and openings and commissions.
The good stuff includes these posts on the Southern Accents web page Check out this link, click HERE. You can go to the virtual tour and click on "girl's room" for my 4 cow paintings and/or on the slide show a detail of one of the pieces can be seen on slide #14.
Lop Eared Goat, oil on panel, 6 x 8 SOLD
Click here to bid
The good stuff includes these posts on the Southern Accents web page Check out this link, click HERE. You can go to the virtual tour and click on "girl's room" for my 4 cow paintings and/or on the slide show a detail of one of the pieces can be seen on slide #14.
Lop Eared Goat, oil on panel, 6 x 8 SOLD
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
"The Continental", daily painting, 6 x 6, oil on panel
Click here to buy.
I really love, love, love this one. I really feel that I am getting back to the loose and free painting I have missed.
The title, well, this rooster's expression reminds me of the character (The Continental) Christopher Walken plays on SNL - the debonair yet extremely desperate lover wannabe. There are clips on youtube if you're not familiar.
For those of you keeping up, another court date is tomorrow for the felon.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Cows on film!
Sweet Calf, oil on panel, 6 x 8. Click here to buy.
More critter art.
I have several pieces in the Southern Accents Show House. They have a short clip showing the home on the magazine's web site and my 4 cow portraits can be seen in it. Click here for the link.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Piggy, painting a day, 6 x 8, oil on panel
Click here to see other works.
I'm on a roll. How great is it to have a job that you can still get excited about?
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
B&W Cow, 6 x 8, oil on panel
Click here to bid.
I'm getting restless. I've always painted fairly quickly but I have slowed considerable when doing the previous daily paintings. This particular piece is more how I like to paint. I feel a lot more comfortable with the broad strokes and the variety of colors (wait until you see tomorrow's post).
The paintings I did in the 1990's were very colorful and fanciful. They were mostly interiors that I made up in my head. And they sold very well. Then, when I started painting en plein air, my work became more realist and I was really enjoying what I was learning. Now I've reached a point where I want to combine both disciplines.
Tell me if you like this new work. That's part of the purpose of this blog - feedback.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Rolleiflex Redo
Click here to see other items.
I swear I am trying to get back on the horse. Fall is the busiest time for me. I've got 3 shows between now and the end of the year. Good for me, not as good for my blog.
The Post Office seems to have mislaid one of my paintings I shipped to a buyer. So here is the redo. But before I could pack it to ship, my buyer emailed me thanking me for the new one. Well, I hadn't sent the new one; she got the original...the post office only took 29 days to travel what I can drive in 2 hours. Perhaps I should have walked up there. Crazy!
I miss you guys. My subscribers are so supportive and I don't get to hear from them unless I post. Look forward to hearing from you again.
P.S. Court is October 22nd for those of you keeping up with the drama.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
"Brown Bottle", painting a day, 10 x 12
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
"Blue Vase", daily oil painting, 10 x 12
Click here to see my eBay store.
I was encouraged by the response to last night's post so I bought some lilies tonight. I am going to paint with my friend (and one of the 7) Millie Gosch. She and I will work on still lifes. It is so nice to be able to paint with people on occasion. And I'll be in her studio, seems like I never get out of mine. The show for "The 7" is at Frameworks Gallery this year on November 6th. Mark the date.
Monday, September 8, 2008
"Light ", oil painting a day, 10 x 12
Click here to visit my eBay store
I really like the atmosphere in this painting. I also have to do larger paintings to stay comfortable. The smaller size is a good challenge and economical, but some subjects make me want to break out the bigger guns. For instance, I have a great deal of trouble painting flowers so small. But then I always got a "needs improvement" check mark on my report cards when it came to "staying in the lines".
cut flowers,
daily painting,
still life,
Thursday, September 4, 2008
"Old Kodak", oil on panel, 6 x 8
Click here to see my eBay store.
I may have said this already but I have a display cabinet with all my old cameras in it. I just love them! Here's another...
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
"Dahlias", oil painting a day, 5 x 10
Monday, September 1, 2008
"Bow", oil painting a day, 6 x 6
Click here to go to my eBay store
Hey all, hope you haven't given up on me. I've got to quit making promises about getting all these paintings done for the sole reason that every time I do, something huge and distracting happens to me.
Still trying to get the parent's affairs back in order. It is maddening how hard it is for an honest person to try to straighten out what a dishonest person had no problem undoing. Why didn't she have to jump through any hoops to steal from my folks? I've got present all sorts of paperwork to close accounts that she opened all over the place.
Anyway, if mine can be a cautionary tale, then its worth it. If you suspect anyone of taking advantage of your folks, don't delay in checking it out. It happens so much. I haven't talked to anyone who didn't have one of these stories to tell. Better to be embarrassed about being wrong than to have to wade through this stuff.
I did this painting in Darien, Georgia with my friend Millie Gosch. I will be wistful if this one sells but that's ok, I hope someone likes it just as much as I do.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
"Rollei", oil on panel, 6 x 8
Click here to visit my eBay store.
Here is one of the cameras from my collection. I just love its lines.
Well, you know how I said I was going to go rollerskating? Hee Hee, I did. Not a good idea. I fell, ending in 1/2 a split and torn my hamstring muscles. I had on all sorts of protective gear but but only good sense to not go in the first place would have prevented this. Now I am out of work for a week, can't really paint. I'm telling you, whoever kept chanting "Great in '08" at the beginning of the year was out of his mind. This has been the craziest year of my life! Not saying bad, just chock full of growth experiences. Stay tuned for more hilarity that is my life!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
"Dog Tired", oil on panel, 6 x 6
Hey all. I keep trying to keep up this blog but life keeps getting in the way. I simply have allowed too much to get dumped on my plate lately. And I am to blame and my time management has not be so good. Ergo, this little guy is perfect for describing how I feel. Where did the days go when I didn't have anything to do but paint? Luckily, I saw the light in time and have many plans for doing some fun things just for me. Tomorrow night I am going roller skating with a bunch of friends. I will wear wrist guards for sure, after all, I don't want to get away from painting permanently. And Saturday is my birthday and I get to spend it with some great friends of mine. That will be grand!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Pruners, oil on board, 6 x 6
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Hammered, 5 x 10, oil on panel
If you're interested in this piece, please email me.
Still up and going! got the studio back in shape and I am inspired once again. Good thing since I have 2 shows this fall.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Palette Knife, 5 x 10, oil on panel
Please email me if you're interested in this piece.
I feel as though I might actually be back. Truthfully, I was having a hard time finding my rhythm after all the excitement this past month. We're not done cleaning up the mess, but I can finally reallocate time to painting more and more.
I am quite a sloppy painter, I don't like to keep a neat studio. Instead, I move around a lot and play music and dance (no, that won't show up on youtube). Then, the next day I prefer to spend the first hour or so that I am in the studio to straightening up from the previous day's activities. That allows me to find my grove. I also like to have a painting started from the day before so I can launch right in as soon as my paints thaw.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Yarg! Scoundrels about!
Not the Shoe, oil on paper, 10 x 10 available at Frameworks Gallery SOLD Get this! While my Dad was in the hospital, my mother's caregiver stripped my parents checking accounts, started other accounts, stole items from the house, had 5 cell phone accounts created.....it goes on and on. That's why I chose an ASS for my image today. I've been tag teaming with my brother to unearth evidence and generally stop the bleeding. That's why I haven't been around.
At the bank, when I discovered the theft, the police said they were working 3 weeks out. I replied in a sing song voice, "I know where she is this very minute, about 2 blocks away". Suddenly, cops and detectives descended on my parents house and grabbed her up.
I want to say more, but shouldn't until after the trial. I do want to say that my parents are not naive, she was creative. It can happen to anyone.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Out of Town
Hello all. So sorry I haven't had a post in a while. I've been quite busy with life things lately.
I should be back in the saddle this week. In the meantime, check out the new work I took to Bennett Street Gallery recently.
I'll have a new post soon. Thanks for your patience.
I should be back in the saddle this week. In the meantime, check out the new work I took to Bennett Street Gallery recently.
I'll have a new post soon. Thanks for your patience.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
"Sunflower", 6 x 8, oil on panel
My trusty jar again.
I have been busy with family emergencies and unable to paint as much as I'd like. Even forgot that my car's check engine light came on yesterday and I needed to fix it today so I can drive home to the see about the parents. Now I have to scramble to get home a different way. It always pays to slow down and take a breath, but especially when things aren't going smoothly. I'll learn one day...
Click here to purchase.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
"Pushing Daisies", 5 x 10, oil on panel
Friday, May 30, 2008
"Swiss Knife", oil on panel, 6 x 8
Not much to say...just trying to stay sharp : ) Consistent would be good. I am trying so hard to paint some big ones for a gallery that I am having trouble getting these little ones posted, too. Know that I am trying to do better!
Click here to buy.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
"Corks", oil on panel, 6 x 6
That's right, I'm tackling tackle again.
Yesterday, I watched the demo that Carol Marine put on her blog. She is fabulous and her paintings look effortless. What's more, after you see her actually paint one, you get a feel for how very skilled she is. Her acumen with local color is spot on. That part I can't imitate, but for her economy of brush strokes, I tried that. I have a lot of bad habits to break. Not the least of one is reaching for the turps all the time. I was an acrylic painter for years and with that you have to wash your brush out constantly. With oils, it is best to wipe the brush of its excess paint rather than contaminate the brush with thinner. Anyway, if you'd like to see a great painter at work go to her blog and scroll down to her demo video.
Friday, May 23, 2008
"Pencil Shavings: Part Deux", oil on panel, 6 x 6
I could do these all day. They are just the kind of thing I like, unpredictable, light and shadow, lots of parts instead of one or two objects. They are like little landscapes really.
Click here to buy.
Speaking of, here is my big one, the one I did the "movie" about. I delivered it yesterday to Bennett Street Gallery here in Atlanta. I am working on more large ones so that one won't be lonely.
Can you see the way that this resembles the daily painting above just a bit. Lots of elements build the entire picture. Some can be edited out of each, but without getting 'too busy', plenty of objects can strategically left in. That's just one example of artistic license. There were many more branches interrupting the view of the river. I just chose one I wanted to leave in to lend some reality to the image and to balance the finished product. By the same token, I didn't count and certainly didn't paint in every one of the chips of colored lead from the pencil. Put in just enough to tell the story.
Hope that wasn't too sophomoric. Maybe I just like to hear myself type.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Fly lll, 6 x 6, oil on panel
The flies have it. They are fun to paint though are a lot of detail I am not accustomed to doing. I've never really used a mahl stick but if I keep this up....
I am having trouble loading my "movie" onto the blog. It is really fun to see the transition my big painting went through to get finished. I'll keep trying. Like I said in my profile, this computer stuff is daunting. Wish I had a 7 year old who could do it all for me.
Click here to buy.
father's day,
Fly fishing,
original painting,
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Caster, 6 x 6, oil on panel
Whew, I am beat. I've been working on the 36 x 48 piece all day. Almost done and then I can post the "movie".
Went out with friends last night and though I am grateful they do what they do for a living, man is that not for me! One is a Major with the police department and the other is a nurse. Believe me, society is much better off if I stay in my basement and paint! I joke with them and say that just because they may have said as children "I am gonna grow up to be a police officer/nurse" that no one would have held them to it. But they are very good at what they do so I guess we all end up where we're supposed to.
More tomorrow.
Click here to buy.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Pepper, 6 x 8, oil on panel
I have been crazy around here, trying to paint as much as I can and have a bit of a social life. I have been bad about locking myself away and not seeing some of my dearest friends. So tonight I am off to see 2 of them and I am so happy. See ya tomorrow.
Painting a day,
small painting,
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Paint Tube, 6 x 8, oil on canvas
Guess what I have lying around the studio...besides my pups. This was a good painting lesson. For one, the crimps in it were not predictable as they would be with drapery so I really had to study the thing to get it right. Secondly, knowing I was going to write about this, I found I was finally able to put into words why I omit the writing on the object. If it is not necessary, why do it except to practice hand lettering and minuscule details. I am basically a studio artist and I choose to edit a great deal. So even though I painted this from life, I only wanted the impression of the tube, not to convey the brand and all.
I am changing my selling policy now. Prices are down and no bidding involved. If you like it, you can have an original oil painting for $85.
The larger painting is coming along but I am getting too bogged in detail. I need to loosen up a lot more. I'm posting a couple of teasers. I've gone quite a bit farther than this but I don't want to give too much away.
Radio Interview now on line
Well, the Radio Sandy Springs interview is now on line. If you'd like to listen, you can find it
Just scroll down to the 5/9/08 interview and click where it says "LISTEN!" I've heard it for the most part, well duh, I was there, but we talked a lot before and after the interview, as well as during commercial breaks. So i wasn't exactly sure whatI said on air. Now that I have heard it, I will expand on some of those things on occasion in this blog.
I will warn you that the interview is one hour long, with host Mellisa Galt bouncing between me and Millie Gosch, a dear friend and fellow painter. Not that I couldn't have filled up an hour by myself, as many of my friends can tell you.
A daily painting is coming, still have to do it and work on my 36 x 48 piece today.
Just scroll down to the 5/9/08 interview and click where it says "LISTEN!" I've heard it for the most part, well duh, I was there, but we talked a lot before and after the interview, as well as during commercial breaks. So i wasn't exactly sure whatI said on air. Now that I have heard it, I will expand on some of those things on occasion in this blog.
I will warn you that the interview is one hour long, with host Mellisa Galt bouncing between me and Millie Gosch, a dear friend and fellow painter. Not that I couldn't have filled up an hour by myself, as many of my friends can tell you.
A daily painting is coming, still have to do it and work on my 36 x 48 piece today.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Strike Lighter, 6 x 8, oil on panel
Remember this from high school chemistry class? Haven't seen on in years (I won't say how many). Just happens I have one in a propane kit I have but have never used.
I am working on a 36 x 48 canvas right now of a landscape. Painting exactly what I appeals to me and shutting out the other voices that tell me to paint what sells, what I am already comfortable with... I want challenges and to paint for me. That is the only way I know to have a successful painting. I have to be immersed in the painting; become one with the work. That is when I am happiest and the result is best. The only drawback is that it makes it difficult to talk about the work, because I don't really know how it happens - it flows and I flow with it. Hey I'm happy doing what I love and that is enough for me. Grateful I can be one of the people who gets to say that at the end of every day.
By the way, I am making a "movie" of the big painting. When it is done, I'll post the "movie". Can't wait!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Pencil Shavings, 6 x 6, oil on panel
As promised, here's the beauty in the ordinary. Thanks, Erin. Wanted to bail on this pretty early on, it seemed to be forever before it was apparent what the image was.
Speaking of bailing, I've learned a lot in my painting career about the dangers of solitude. I have moments when a voice says "you can't do that, its too hard". I think we all do at some point in our lives. But those thoughts are of my own creation and have no validity.
I read in a golf magazine once about the lack of confidence that can strike in the tee box. It's a little like going on stage, even if just for a moment. I can really have doubts about my abilities then. Well, the magazine suggested that you pretend that your caddy were saying those things to you, like "don't bother, the ball is just going to go into the (woods/ pond/parking lot)". The magazine said that you would fire a caddy that does that, right? So fire the caddy in your head!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Lemon and Limes, 6 x 8, oil on panel
Back to some fruit paintings. They are always good practice. In fact, we discussed it in the radio interview I did today.
I am looking for other objects to paint. I look around the house and so much is boxy, slick. I want toys, or parts of things, not the same stuff that gets painted to death. That's part of my shtick, seeing the unusual in things all around us. A fellow blogger says she like the design in ordinary things including pencil shavings. I love that! Maybe I'll paint pencil shavings next. Yep, that's what I'll do.
Click here to buy.
Live Radio interview
Can't believe I'm putting this out there...I will be interviewed on Radio Sandy Springs today at 2:00pm. My friend Millie Gosch and I will be questioned about our paintings, influences, challenges and so on. For those of you in the area, it is 1620am. for those of you who'd like to hear it live on the web, go to radiosandysprings.com and click on the schedule for Friday, 5/9/08 at 2:00 (The Art Full Life).
It will be recorded, I believe, so you can hear it later, uggh! It will probably post on 5/12 or 5/13. I hope I stay composed and make sense. If not, you'll have something to listen to if you suffer from insomnia.
Wish me luck. And let me know how I did, ok?
It will be recorded, I believe, so you can hear it later, uggh! It will probably post on 5/12 or 5/13. I hope I stay composed and make sense. If not, you'll have something to listen to if you suffer from insomnia.
Wish me luck. And let me know how I did, ok?
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Pears, oil on panel, 6 x 8
A very still life. But not mine. I'm headed out again, this time to L.A. (around here that means Lower Alabama). Lots of us girls have rented a house in Fort Morgan and plan to let loose. Haven't decided whether to take painting stuff or not. I kinda want a break. We'll see. There may be rain and that could make for some spectacular sunsets or billowy clouds.
Anyway, I'll try to post tomorrow before I take off Friday.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
"Pump House", oil on panel, 6 x 8
I've been asked to show what else I had painted when down on the Satilla River. This was the only other that was salvageable. There was a lot going on and while I did paint every day, it was hard to not spend time with relatives I don't see every day.
Click here to bid.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
"...by a nose", oil on panel, 6 x 8
Another favorite:
A Trip to Blueridge, oil on canvas, 16 x 20
In this one, I wanted to record the colors quickly, they were so strong. Again, blues and oranges, complementary colors. And it was such a dreary fall day. That helped with seeing the colors accurately, the sky being overcast illuminates everything with pure even neutral light. And for those of you not from the south, you should know that our soil is orange, that's right, orange due to the heavy clay content. And Blueridge is in the Northern mountainous part of the state.
Email me to buy.
daily painting,
North Georgia,
Friday, April 25, 2008
Okra, 6 x 8, oil on panel
I once heard a comic say that boiled okra had the consistency of a combination of gravel and drool. I may have to agree...but...I found a great place to have lightly fried whole okra pods - a restaurant in Atlanta called Six Feet Under. The name is a play on two things. Fathom, a nautical term, equals 6 feet and the restaurant serves seafood. Secondly, its location is across from Atlanta's famous Oakland Cemetery. Such greats as Bobby Jones and Margaret Mitchell are buried there. I've painted there many times, it is truly beautiful. Check out the web site.
Another favorite:
Blimp, 18 x 24, oil on wood
Speaking of Atlanta, this is from around 14th Street and the connector looking toward Georgia Tech during the 1996 Olympics. There were blimps everywhere! I love blimps. And if that's not enough, we live near the small airport that launches the blimps for big events in the area. They have to fly over our house to get downtown and at that point they have not gotten to full altitude. Every so often, we would hear this deep hum and over the trees would come the nose of one of those big suckers! Our Brittany spaniel (aka a bird dog) would look up and then get into his prettiest point position. It was hysterical every time. They are supposed to point to help you locate the quarry. But since this vessel took up the entire sky, the point (lit) was unnecessary.
daily painting,
still life,
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Corkscrew, oil on panel, 6 x 8
This was a still life I set up one evening at the river. This si an old corkscrew, it has rusted quite a bit. There weren't any movable lamps there so I had to paint that under a naked bulb. Strange not working with all the light you need. But after some double checking under good light, I think this turned out pretty interesting.
Broken Sky, oil on canvas, 16 x 20
This one is of Peachtree DeKalb Airport and the sky that day. I've always liked this painting for the foreground, middle ground, and background all being in the bottom third of the painting and the sky is left to carry the rest.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Satilla River
Hey all, I'm leaving tomorrow to visit the Satilla River in southeastern Georgia. "Bony" is turning 80 on Saturday and the whole family will be there! The Satilla is black like strong tea. We boat, fish, play and eat. We all stay in a giant Civil War era house with a wrap around screen porch that has to be about 15 feet deep. Amazingly, even in July the house itself stays somewhat cool without AC. They knew how to build houses then.
I am taking my paints and hope to get a good many small studies done while I am there. The weather should be perfect. I'll post any keeper when I return. I won't have cell service, much less wireless. In the meantime, I'll post another favorite that is available now - see below.
Anyone who has been to Charleston will probably recognize this interchange. It is the confusing path to either get on 17 south towards Folly Beach or get out of Charleston going north. It is also a route to many of the main thoroughfares into downtown. But I love urban scenes and this one had such a great play of light, horizontals and verticals.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
"Milk Bottle", oil on panel, 6 x 8
Another painting of glass. Years ago I gave myself a challenge of painting clear glass and then I added ice cubes. I was so pleased when I found I could convey something transparent in paint which is opaque.
Another favorite.....
This scene is from Charleston, S.C. I love the coast because the landscape is so varied, not all green like Atlanta is much of the year.
still life,
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