Tuesday, October 21, 2008

"The Continental", daily painting, 6 x 6, oil on panel

Click here to buy.

I really love, love, love this one. I really feel that I am getting back to the loose and free painting I have missed.
The title, well, this rooster's expression reminds me of the character (The Continental) Christopher Walken plays on SNL - the debonair yet extremely desperate lover wannabe. There are clips on youtube if you're not familiar.

For those of you keeping up, another court date is tomorrow for the felon.

1 comment:

Champ said...

Hey there you! Its Chris. I was just going to message you, but I'm still new to blogspot, and honestly couldn't figure out how. That GT degree coming in handy, right?

Anyhow, I started a blog. Its just pure random ramblings that no one will likely read, but just letting you know that I set up a link to your blog from mine. I figure I'll direct any traffic your way I can!

Hope things are well with you. Hope Katy and I can see y'all soon for dinner or something!