Sunday, October 5, 2008

Rolleiflex Redo

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I swear I am trying to get back on the horse. Fall is the busiest time for me. I've got 3 shows between now and the end of the year. Good for me, not as good for my blog.

The Post Office seems to have mislaid one of my paintings I shipped to a buyer. So here is the redo. But before I could pack it to ship, my buyer emailed me thanking me for the new one. Well, I hadn't sent the new one; she got the original...the post office only took 29 days to travel what I can drive in 2 hours. Perhaps I should have walked up there. Crazy!

I miss you guys. My subscribers are so supportive and I don't get to hear from them unless I post. Look forward to hearing from you again.

P.S. Court is October 22nd for those of you keeping up with the drama.

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