Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Chicken Dreams, oil on paper, 10 x 10

Ok, this one is different, but as I say, I get kinda restless at times. It is very liberating to doodle on a painting. I really like this one - it has so much to say.
Click here to visit my eBay store.

"Sun Shower" , oil on paper, 14 x 15

This type work comes out of getting tired of painting the green, green southeast. So I invented some scenery and colors just to break out of the mold.

Click here to go to my eBay store.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

"Sand Bank", oil on panel, 8 x 10

This is of the shoreline on the Greater Satilla River in south Georgia. The Satilla is steeped in tannins from the cypress trees there. It looks like very strong tea - a little disconcerting at first. And the first fish I pull up is not a trout but a gar. I thought it was prehistoric - not seen byy modern man ever and when my heart stopped pounding I was gonna make the cover of Time magazine for having found one. See below.

Yikes! To go to my store click here. The painting is $60. SOLD

"Maine's Coast", 12 x 16, oil on panel

I'm a little wistful about letting this one go. I painted this one on site. I really loved our painting trip in Maine and if you've been there then you'll recognize this shoreline.
$150 Click here to go to my store.