Friday, September 25, 2009

Tie, oil on panel, 8 x 8

I pet sit for this little guy sometimes. He's sooo sweet. And not too camera shy either. Click here to purchase.

Friday, September 18, 2009


Time to loosen up. Been away from the blog a while. Had to catch up on larger paintings. Just completed a 36 x 48. Pictures soon. Thanks for hanging in there and for all your well wishes!
Click here to see how to purchase.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Fishing Sheds, oil on panel, 4 x 6

Hey all! Trying to get back to doing what I do. Thanks for sticking around.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dear Art Lovers

I know this is supposed to be a painting blog. I try to paint often - it is my job - my source of income. But being a daughter has trumped everything else.

It hasn't been a year since I had my mother's caregiver arrested in the driveway. Since that time my father's health went on the decline without explanation. I took him and Mom to the hospital to have tests run - to have a plan of action to improve their health. While there, Dad seemed to have given up completely and Monday night my brother and I discontinued all treatment and let him go. It was mercifully quick and what he said he always wanted if the situation presented itself.

Now we are working to find a facility to take care of Mom. Just like when the felon took my parents for all that money, this all has been seat of the pants stuff. Touring "skilled facilities", dealing with funeral homes and talking to scores of doctors about Dad on the hospital's first floor and Mom on the 4th floor. Today we'll be taking Mom to her new "home". There is so much to know about this and no time to pour over volumes of self help books. The best aids we've had were the Elder Law Attorneys we hired when the fraud went down and the 100+ page booklet the funeral home gave us.

I tell you all this because there may very well be a time when each of us has to face this. I hope to save some from all the crazy running around we've had to do. Feel free to contact me if you want benefit of my experience. I would be happy to help anyone - I mean it.

Thank you for subscribing to my blog (I hope you won't give up on me and my painting)...and for the opportunity to vent. My hope is to post paintings very soon. I haven't painted in a month and have no income coming in. What's more I have been chosen for Federal Jury Duty starting Tuesday - 2 weeks more of no painting. But I guess I'll use the jury time to catch up on sleep : )


Monday, May 4, 2009

"Beach House", ACEO, daily painting, oil on board

Click here to bid.

Hey all. I've gone on a trip that I planned a year ago. A bunch of us are staying in a beach house in Gulf Shores, Alabama. Today there are storms and wind gusts up to 30mph. Still I painted from the covered deck. But the easel kept shaking and the wind would make my brush not land where I planned. The detail isn't nearly as exacting as I wanted. Since I miss painting so much, I persevered, and will likely go out again. So good to go back to painting!

By the way, thanks so much for your words of encouragement. I go back to all that stuff on Thursday. Gotta enjoy the here and now.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Life again

Sorry everyone.
I have been consumed with trying to get my parents back to good health. It is incredible how infuriating it is to deal with health care and add to it the confines of Medicare.
I have been learning a lot this past year. I had the felon arrested on June 30th and have been learning a lot about the court system. Now it is Medicare and caregivers. Wow. There is a mint to be made if anyone can find a way to teach the ins and outs of this health thing. Problem is, when it comes up, it comes up fast! And you get so worn out from the day to day that you can't think. And the whole thing is money driven - surprise, surprise. Meanwhile, I'm not making any money because I can't be around to paint.
I know I don't have it bad, I'm lucky I can take off and drive up and put out fires. A dear friend is taking care of both her parents 24/7.But for me, it didn't have to be this hard! Here are some important points I can take from all this thus far.
1) If you suspect anyone, even a family member, is taking advantage of someone in their charge - do something! You're not going to get your things back - ever! Ask forgiveness if you wrongly accuse someone.
2) Use the 40/70 rule. If you're 40 or your parents are 70, have talks about legal papers, wills, options to take for health assistance, etc. There won't be time to discuss it when the need arises.

There - had to get that out. Thanks. I hope everyone is doing well and please know that I will be posting every chance I get! I really love blogging and can't wait to get back to a routine. I hope you won't give up on me.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Pond", ACEO, oil on paper, daily painting

SOLD Bidding starts at only $20...for an original oil...can you believe it. What am I doing????

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009

"Rainy Edisto", ACEO, oil on paper

SOLD Price starts at just $20.00 for this original oil painting!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Low Country 5 x 10

Sorry, I've been away a while. And boy did I miss painting. But I'm back and happy to be in the studio again.
Click here to bid on this piece.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Cow, 50 x 60, oil on canvas

Here is the companion piece to go with the goats I posted recently. Both are nearly finished. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. I painted a lot and took a lot of breaks outside in the beautiful weather we're having here. More later....

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Goats in Progress, oil on canvas, 50 x 60

See! I can do bigger stuff, too. This is one of a pair of large canvases headed to Bennett street Gallery when done. The other is of a cow. Neither is finished yet. just wanted you to see what I've been working on. Well, I've also been working on taxes, but trust don't want to see that!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hillside, 2.5 x 3.5, oil on paper

A view out the car window. Typical North Georgia scene in fall.
Click here to bid.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

My Favorite Glimpse, ACEO, oil on paper, 2.5 x 3.5

Click here to bid
There is a spot on I-75 coming back to Atlanta from Macon where I love to look over. I don't think I've ever failed to do it. There is this one break in the trees and the field seems to go on forever. This is it in the late afternoon sun. that's the guardrail in the foreground.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Roadside Cows, 2.5 x 3.5, oil on paper

You know, I was thinking about this ACEO business. These art trading cards are pretty cool, just bought one the other day. And I was thinking, if someone were to be invited to a dinner party, instead of taking the host a bottle of wine, take one of these paintings. Pretty much the same price and the painting is forever. An original work of art. And no headache the next morning. Hmmm.

Bidding starts at $15.00. Click here to see my store.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Path, ACEO, 2.5 x 3.5, oil on paper

Another of the little fellers. I am quite enjoying this. Helps me not get bogged down in detail but keep it interesting enough that the paint doesn't look like it simply landed there from a dropped brush.

Monday, February 9, 2009

ACEO's, oil on paper, 2.5 x 3.5

Peachtree DeKalb Airport in Atlanta.

A factory in Columbia, S.C. called Adluh.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

ACEO, oil on paper, Eiffel Tower

Eiffel Tower

SOLD Coastal Evening

Hilton Head

Monday, February 2, 2009

Skyline, ACEO, 2.5 x 3.5, oil on paper original

My good friend Nick Orban has been doing these for a while now. This is my first ACEO but I rather enjoyed it. I've been down with the flu or something and so very small paintings are about all I'm up to right now.
This is done from a photo I took around the time of the '96 Olympics. Can't you just feel the Atlanta humidity? The buildings are not really that far away, it is just the haze.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Ramp to Beach, oil on panel, 8 x 10

Click here to buy

Well, I wanted to loosen up and I think I have. I wonder if you'd know what this was without the title. Not that it would matter. I want to like the juiciness of the paint, the movement, the brushwork. point that I wanted to make is that in order to loosen up a little, I think it will be easier to loosen up a lot and then ratchet back to a point I can be ok with.
This is a ramp leading down to the beach in Kiawah. It was sunset and January - the light and colors there are wonderful in the winter!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Black and White, 20 x 20, oil on canvas

This darling critter is back from the Southern Accents Showhouse. It and 3 others the same size are at Bennett Street Gallery.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

"Ma and Pa", 6 x 8, oil on panel

So here's another painting I've done from an old photo I found in a thrift store. (see the reference photo below) I am trying after all these years to loosen up my painting style...back beyond how loose I was long ago. I am told by some very well respected artists that it is very difficult to do after having spent so much time doing pretty representational work. I am inclined to agree - fervently : ). But I am all about hitting my head against a brick wall. That is probably what I am best known for.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Atlanta, 8 x 10, oil on panel

Click here to go to my store

From a photo taken while driving back to Atlanta from south of town.

Monday, January 19, 2009

A Pedestrian Painting, oil on panel, 8 x 10

Click here to go to my store

I liked how awkward the woman in the sweater looked walking through the parking lot. She really seemed out of her element. The other woman, by contrast, was quite used to waiting for the bus right there - or so it seemed to me.
In addition to having to attend 2 funerals since Christmas, I've also had the flu. Thought 2009 was gonna be fine?

Monday, January 12, 2009

Coming At You, 8 x 10, oil on panel, 8 x 10

Still unable to paint with any regularity because of life. C'est la vie. But when I can I hope to post more than one piece as I am tonight.

In the Weeds. Oil on panel, 8 x 8

Contact me if you're interested in with of these pieces. They are each $85.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Little Kid, daily painting, oil, 8 x 10

Click here to buy
He's so cute! The goats I've been painting have moved so I have to find some more somewhere. This little guy was all wobbly and innocent - I wanted to take him home which might have been a good idea since we have a kudzu problem. We have a problem because our neighbors ignore their kudzu. Don't get me started.

Blue Goat, oil on board, 8 x 10

Click here to buy
I'm having fun loosening up these days. I feel great with the new year. Funny how one day, just a Thursday can change my whole outlook on things. Oh yeah, I am going to make a lot of these daily paintings bigger. This one is 8 x 10!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Being Forward, daily painting, 6 x 8

Good to start having a routine again and feel as though I am once again driving my life instead of the other way around. Sometimes during the holidays I feel like a leaf in the wind.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Boo Cow, daily painting, oil on paper, 6 x 8

OK, here I go again with determination to keep up with this blog and really start this New Year right. Not that I did anything wrong last year but let's put that stuff behind us. I would really like to see it be "Fine in '09". Hope all of you are well and enjoying the start of this new year.