Quick art lesson - abstract painting is taking a subject and taking liberties with it, reshape the image, change colors, contours anything that keeps it from being a representational piece (for instance: photorealism). Non-objective work begins with no real object in mind - instead just a feeling and a playing back and forth with balance, color, shapes and so on, keeping the painting from looking like any object or subject entirely. It is at once freeing and difficult. There is talent in keeping the marks interesting and creating a composition with harmony and balance.
Here is my first non-objective piece I've done in a while. Tell me what you think. Parts of this ended up looking like Matisse's interior pieces such as:

The Conversation. This is a painting of Matisse and his wife having an argument. One clue is that the wrought iron on the balcony spells out the french word "Non" meaning "No". One doesn't notice it right away. This piece is an abstract painting in that the room seems so flat, the chair she's in doesn't seem to have any volume to it and the scene out the window is tipped upward toward the viewer. In realism, the land should recede and become lighter and less intense in color.
Wow, I just spilled on that one, huh? What do you think the similarities are between my painting and Matisse's.

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