SOLDI once heard a comic say that boiled okra had the consistency of a combination of gravel and drool. I may have to agree...
but...I found a great place to have lightly fried whole okra pods - a restaurant in Atlanta called
Six Feet Under. The name is a play on two things. Fathom, a nautical term, equals 6 feet and the restaurant serves seafood. Secondly, its location is across from Atlanta's famous
Oakland Cemetery. Such greats as Bobby Jones and Margaret Mitchell are buried there. I've painted there many times, it is truly beautiful. Check out the web site.
Another favorite:Blimp, 18 x 24, oil on wood
Speaking of Atlanta, this is from around 14th Street and the connector looking toward Georgia Tech during the 1996 Olympics. There were blimps everywhere! I love blimps. And if that's not enough, we live near the small airport that launches the blimps for big events in the area. They have to fly over our house to get downtown and at that point they have not gotten to full altitude. Every so often, we would hear this deep hum and over the trees would come the nose of one of those big suckers! Our Brittany spaniel (aka a bird dog) would look up and then get into his prettiest point position. It was hysterical every time. They are supposed to point to help you locate the quarry. But since this vessel took up the entire sky, the point (lit) was unnecessary.